Hi! I'm Yuyan Wang.

I am an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. My research lies in the intersection of marketing, machine learning, and statistics. I am interested in understanding and improving long-term consumer experience on personalization platforms and designing machine learning solutions for recommender systems and personalization use cases. The insights and the solution that I developed provided managerial implications for several personalization products at Google and Uber, where multiple of my works have been deployed globally and generated significant business impact.

I received my Ph.D. in statistics from the Department of Operations Research & Financial Engineering at Princeton University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Jianqing Fan. Before Princeton, I received my Bachelor’s degree in statistics from the Special Class for the Gifted Young at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Please feel free to check out my CV, research, teaching/mentorship, Google Scholar, Github, blogs (in Chinese), or contact me.

Learn about what I do


My research focuses on understanding and improving the long-term values and societal impacts of real-world personalization systems. I use a variety of methods including deep learning, reinforcement learning, high-dimensional statistical modeling, causal inference, online A/B test and big data analytics.

Journal Publications

Conference Publications

Working Papers

Invited Talks & Conference Presentations

Teaching/Mentorship Experience

While not technically a teacher for the past few years, I was never away from teaching as I always enjoy passing on my knowledge and inspiring people whenever I can. Here is a list of my teaching and mentorship experiences.


Guest Lectures / Tutorials

Assistant Instructor at Princeton University


I am amateur photographer, and enjoy taking photos and editing them once in a while. Here are some photos I've taken in the past few years.

Please, feel free to get in touch.

You can email me at yuyanw[at]stanford.edu